© Thibault Gregoire
© Thibault Gregoire
I choke, You choke, let's All choke together.
In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;
“But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.
(Stephen Crane)
An unceasing flow of visual and vocal "detox".
Fragmented images, steady grooves, impulsive sound explosions and chanted text form the basis for this solo work. In her "survival of the fittest" Ine questions our need to control. We are looking at an almost compulsive personage, expressing the most bizarre twists in human kind. A personage trying to keep control no mather what. We are caught in her thoughts that keep spinning or we are left in an empty surrealistic desert. With her voice and body Ine creates in a virtuoso way a very own world of sound and moving picture that surprises and places everyting upside down.
Creation for the music festival Ecouter pour l'instant 2017 in France, on invitation by Toma Gouband. With the support of the Flemish Government.
In residency at Nadine, Centre for Contemporary Art in Brussels in April 2017.
Choreography and Composition: Ine Claes
Outside eye and ear: Mathieu Calleja
Light Design: Jim Clayburgh
Assitant lights: Eleanor Bryce
Sound Engineer: Marc Doutrepont
Scenography: Ine Claes, Jim Clayburgh and Mathieu Calleja
Costume: Ine Claes & Sabine Molenaar
Media: Toussaint Colombani
Lenght: 40 minutes
Thank you CC Jacques Franck, Toma Gouband, Sara Claes, Rita Smets,
Paul Claes, Michel Van Dyck, Koen Moerenhout
This work is dedicated to Bart Verhaegen.
Supported by the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and Vlaanderen Cultuur.