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Trailer of the try-out at DeFENIKS (February '20)

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-11 om 07.16.27.

Fit in that one box one box can I fit in the box the box let's take the box put it in another box when the box doesn't fit ignore it and try another box let's lablel the box, box a label lablel an experience experience the box the labeI can I tell fit's the box what is a box box the label label the box do we need the box the lablel as a label labels us.

Asfaraswecantell is a transdisciplinary vocal and physical theatre performance in which voice, movement, time and space are interwoven. By shifting these different layers, this performance disorientates performers and audience and places them in an alienating and surreal world of sound and movement.

Asfaraswecantell is a portrait of our "24 on 24" society, in which the influences of continuous multitasking are explored. On the one hand the performance depicts our active and controlled existence, but on the other hand also seeks the poetry of the simple act. 


Vocal composition and choreography: Ine Claes

Performers: Maja Jantar, Áine Reynolds, Andreas Halling, Adrián Sánchez Núñez

Light design: Gaspar Schelck

Sound engineer: Marc Doutrepont

Scenography: Ine Claes & Gaspar Schelck

Assitent transcription/musical accompaniment: Mathieu Calleja

Dramaturgy: Sara Jansen

Technical assistant: Leo De Neve

Decor creation: Gaspar Schelck and Bvba Lutjeharms

Illustration: Ine Claes

Lay-out: Evy Vandeput

Photography: Sara Claes, Sander Buyck

Text: Ine Claes, with the exception of some fragments from the book Sapiens, a brief history of human kind by Juval Noah Harari.

A kamikamka production.

A co-production by C-TAKT and De Bijloke Muziekcentrum.

This performance is included in C-TAKT+

With the support of Workspacebrussels, deFENIKS/WALPURGIS, Halolalune Production, Bvba Lutjeharms and L.A.R.D.

Thank you Rita Smets, Christiana Claes, Veerle Eggermont, Dirk Gillis, Diederik Lutjeharms, Els Wauters, Michel Van Dyck and Guida Inês Mauricio.

Big thank you to the Ulule crowdfunders!!!

Schermafbeelding 2021-01-08 om 08.33.20.
Schermafbeelding 2021-01-06 om 09.02.37.
Logo Lutjeharms.jpg
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